(for students teachers and parents)
Exams take place in high school classrooms, the gymnasium or the library (for resource). Locations are posted around the school the week prior to exams. Teachers will also inform students where their exam will be during advisory sessions.
Resource exams have a slightly different schedule and will take place in the library. The day of your exams will be the same as everyone else except the time may be different because: there are only TWO exam sessions, not three: morning 8:30-11:30 and afternoon 12:00-3:00. Anyone with three exams in one day will have their third exam re-scheduled for a later date, the first open session in their schedule. Early lunch needs to be arranged through Mr. Ryan.
With parental permission and transport permitting, day students may arrive or leave campus around their exam
schedule. Students are advised to arrive at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the exam.
Dorm students need to be in school from 8.30 am, either in an exam or in a study hall.
There are study halls available throughout the day for all students.
The dining room is open to high school students between 12.10 and 13.35 ONLY. (Wednesday 12:20-13:25)
Please be advised that students are encouraged to bring a pack lunch or snacks if their exam schedule does not allow time to visit the cafeteria.
All exams must be turned in to the Dean’s Office by the posted date. Each exam should have the student cover sheet attached. Each group of exams must have a class exam cover sheet listing the timings (including reading time), additional materials allowed and any special instructions. All exams will be kept in the locked filing room by the Dean’s Office.
TEACHER proctoring sessions will be posted in the staff room. Teachers are not allowed to proctor their own exams.
In order to maintain consistent, equal and fair testing conditions for all students, please apply these guidelines:
Good morning/afternoon. We are about to start the ____________exam(s).
You have 1.5 hours/2 hours to complete it. IB/AP exams have a 5 minute reading period. You may NOT do any writing during this time. You should have nothing on your desk except a pen and/or a pencil (and a calculator where allowed). Please ensure mobiles are switched off and handed in at the front.
Raise your hand if you need paper or are missing materials however I/we can’t answer questions relating to questions or instructions on the test. You may not leave the room until your exam has finished. If you finish early, use the time to check your paper or rest quietly. Do not talk/communicate with other students until you have left the room. You will be given a 5 minute warning before the end of the exam. Any questions? You may begin.
Due to the educational importance and diagnostic value of taking the mid-year and end of year exams, no student may miss any exams unless approved by Mrs. Briggs, Assistant Academic Dean. Students are expected to be in school up until the break. Exam exemptions will only be issued for emergencies and unavoidable circumstances. Parents are required to fill out an absence form from Ms. Emes, the Attendance Officer. If an exam exemption is approved, the semester grade will be determined by calculating 50% & 50% from each of the two previous quarters (Q1 & Q2 or Q3 & Q4).
(for students teachers and parents)
Exams take place in high school classrooms, the gymnasium or the library (for resource). Locations are posted around the school the week prior to exams. Teachers will also inform students where their exam will be during advisory sessions.
Resource exams have a slightly different schedule and will take place in the library. The day of your exams will be the same as everyone else except the time may be different because: there are only TWO exam sessions, not three: morning 8:30-11:30 and afternoon 12:00-3:00. Anyone with three exams in one day will have their third exam re-scheduled for a later date, the first open session in their schedule. Early lunch needs to be arranged through Mr. Ryan.
With parental permission and transport permitting, day students may arrive or leave campus around their exam
schedule. Students are advised to arrive at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the exam.
Dorm students need to be in school from 8.30 am, either in an exam or in a study hall.
There are study halls available throughout the day for all students.
- Great emphasis will be placed on conduct within the examination room.
- Prior to the exam, books and bags should be left outside the exam room or in lockers.
- Students are responsible for bringing their own writing implements, calculators or any other equipment they need.
- Only clear pencil cases are allowed on the desks, others must be place under the desk.
- Students are not permitted to borrow items (including pencils, paper and erasers) once the examination has begun.
- Students are not permitted to leave the exam room until dismissed at the end of the exam.
- Mobile phones must be switched off and handed into the proctor. All other electronic devices (ipads, ipods, smart watches etc) are not permitted in the exam room. If a student’s mobile phone goes off in the exam room, his/her scores may be cancelled.
- There must be absolute silence in the exam room at all times. Any attempt to communicate may be construed as evidence of cheating.
- Disruption of the examination or cheating in any form will incur severe penalties, including cancellation of papers.
- Cheating includes using cheat notes, unauthorized electronic devices or books, or seeking help from another student or source.
- If an emergency toilet break is required, the student will be escorted by a proctor to the staff toilets and escorted back to the exam room.
- No food or drink is permitted in the examination rooms (with the exception of clear water bottles).
- Students are not permitted in the building during examination time for purposes other than study in the study hall or taking examinations. No students should be un-chaperoned in empty classrooms.
- Students will have a rescheduled exams if:
- They have two exams scheduled for the same time or overlapping
- They have 3 exams in one day
- They submit a doctor’s note for an unexpected illness.
- No rescheduled exams will take place before the originally scheduled exam date.
- Students will sit their exam in the conflict/make-up room on the day and time they have been assigned.
- Conflict exams can only be taken after that exam’s originally scheduled day/time
- Students who miss an exam will receive no and will not be permitted to make-up the exam.
The dining room is open to high school students between 12.10 and 13.35 ONLY. (Wednesday 12:20-13:25)
Please be advised that students are encouraged to bring a pack lunch or snacks if their exam schedule does not allow time to visit the cafeteria.
All exams must be turned in to the Dean’s Office by the posted date. Each exam should have the student cover sheet attached. Each group of exams must have a class exam cover sheet listing the timings (including reading time), additional materials allowed and any special instructions. All exams will be kept in the locked filing room by the Dean’s Office.
TEACHER proctoring sessions will be posted in the staff room. Teachers are not allowed to proctor their own exams.
In order to maintain consistent, equal and fair testing conditions for all students, please apply these guidelines:
- Arrival of Proctors: All proctors (except for those proctoring in the Gymnasium) should pick up the exams from the dean’s office. All proctors, in rooms and the gymnasium should arrive at least 15 minutes before exams are due to start so that the exam can start on time.
- Desks: Desks must be separated and evenly spaced apart.
- Silence: Students must enter the exam room in silence and remain silent until they have left the building. As other exams are taking place in adjacent rooms, they need to remain silent so as not to disturb other students.
- Bags: Bags must be left in the hallway or outside the gymnasium.
- Equipment: Students are only allowed to have the following items on or under their desk in a test or exam: pens, pencils, ruler, eraser, and if appropriate, a calculator. They are NOT allowed to use their own lined paper. Paper will be provided by the teacher/proctor.
- Translation Dictionary: Some students may have an accommodation to use a translation dictionary. A list of students with this accommodation will be emailed by the EAL teachers. Please check the dictionary is ACS library issued and leaf through to ensure no other material is inside.
- Mobile Devices: For exams, students must leave all mobile phones/devices turned off (not just on vibrate) in a box at the front of the room or outside the room in their backpack. Proctors/teachers should advise students if their mobile rings during a test or exam, their exam may be cancelled and an incident report filled out with Mrs. Briggs.
- Toilet breaks: Students should use the toilet before the exam begins. If it is an emergency and they are in the middle of an exam, a proctor needs to walk with them to the staff toilet and ensure there are no papers, mobiles etc.. in the toilet. If a proctor is alone in a room, they can call for an escort for the student.
- Food and Drink: No food or drink is allowed during exams except unmarked water bottles.
- Start and Finish Times: IB exams will all get a 5 minute reading period (no writing may be done) at the start of the exam, then the full allocated exam time. Proctors must write the start time and finish time clearly on the white boards where it can be seen by all students. Clocks must be set to the same time and visible to all.
- Circulate: Once the exam has started, please circulate the room at regular intervals, going up and down each row. Gymnasium proctors should be stationed front, back and each side.
- Answering Questions: Proctors must not answer any student questions about the test. They may only respond to questions about missing or defective pages or materials.
- Finishing Early: If students finish their exam early, they must remain quietly in their seats with the finished paper turned over and placed in the upper corner of the desk for later collection. They may not use electronic equipment, reading material or leave the room.
- Thirty and Five-minute Warning: Proctors must give students a 30-minute and a 5-minute warning when the test or exam is about to end.
- Large Exam Rooms: For large space exams (such as in the arena, gym, library or dance studio):
- Check with the lead proctor (Julie or Clare) if they need help taking materials over to the gym.
- Lay out the papers first and then call students in by exam. They should enter silently.
- Students should not be allowed to leave until all the papers are collected in.
- If you wish you can use this script to start the exam:
Good morning/afternoon. We are about to start the ____________exam(s).
You have 1.5 hours/2 hours to complete it. IB/AP exams have a 5 minute reading period. You may NOT do any writing during this time. You should have nothing on your desk except a pen and/or a pencil (and a calculator where allowed). Please ensure mobiles are switched off and handed in at the front.
Raise your hand if you need paper or are missing materials however I/we can’t answer questions relating to questions or instructions on the test. You may not leave the room until your exam has finished. If you finish early, use the time to check your paper or rest quietly. Do not talk/communicate with other students until you have left the room. You will be given a 5 minute warning before the end of the exam. Any questions? You may begin.
Due to the educational importance and diagnostic value of taking the mid-year and end of year exams, no student may miss any exams unless approved by Mrs. Briggs, Assistant Academic Dean. Students are expected to be in school up until the break. Exam exemptions will only be issued for emergencies and unavoidable circumstances. Parents are required to fill out an absence form from Ms. Emes, the Attendance Officer. If an exam exemption is approved, the semester grade will be determined by calculating 50% & 50% from each of the two previous quarters (Q1 & Q2 or Q3 & Q4).