Education is a disciplined process. To fulfil the stated purpose of our school, good conduct and self-discipline are expected and, for all school activities, certain rules of conduct will be established and enforced.
We believe that development of individual personality and love of learning flourishes best in a pleasant, supportive, and secure environment. In high school, where students progress toward knowing themselves and finding order within themselves, it is expected that they will have increasing opportunity to participate in establishing standards of school conduct and that they will take increasing responsibility for their own behaviour.
Each student in the school has the right:
• to be secure and safe in his/her person and property
• to be treated with respect, courtesy and consideration by every student, teacher, administrator and adult in the school
• to know what the rules of student behaviour are
• to benefit and be recognised for his/her own efforts
Our expectations
• We expect polite and well mannered behaviour.
• A general atmosphere of orderliness and quiet is expected in and near the school buildings.
• Actions which hurt other people, or the property of other people, are not permitted.
• It is the responsibility of each student to ensure the safekeeping of their personal items like mobile phones, laptops etc.
• Dress and appearance should be appropriate and clean. All students should be mindful of the sexualisation of inappropriate dress and therefore keep this in mind when dressing for school.
• Students may not be in possession of potentially dangerous implements or materials, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or other behaviour-affecting substances.
• During school hours a student may leave the school premises only when supervised by a teacher of the school, or with permission.
• At the end of the normal school day all day students are to leave the property with the exception of those involved in an adult-supervised activity.
• All members of the school community must respect the sensitivities and well-being of others. Any form of disrespect, humiliation, threat or violence toward another person is contrary to the spirit of the school.
• Students must report to all scheduled classes. They may be absent from these only with the expressed permission of the teacher or principal.
• It is expected that if a student has signed up for a sport or activity they will remain committed to that activity and meet all the expectations with regard to practices, matches or events, and the required dress code.
• It is expected that all demonstrations of affection that are by their nature private, will remain private. At school, they are inappropriate.
• Students should respect the belongings of others.
• Students should respect and adhere to the behaviour and Health and Safety guidelines in all areas, but especially in the Sports Centre, Gym and Dining Hall.
• Non-motorised vehicles e.g. bicycles, skateboards and scooters are not permitted to be ridden on campus for safety reasons.
• Good discipline is usually positive rather than negative in nature. It consists of keeping students interested and busy doing something constructive rather than punishing them for doing the things that are anti-social.
• Good discipline is always fair, dignified and in good temper.
• Conferences with teachers, administrators, and parents will from time to time be effectively employed to bring about acceptable behaviour.
Generally, teachers will be responsible for maintaining good behaviour and discipline and most infringements will be handled by the teacher. However, should the behaviour or conduct of a student be contrary to our expectations and guidelines, the school reserves the right to apply one or more of the following range of responses:
• Record the offence on the student’s permanent school record.
• Send a student home in cases when he/she might be inappropriately dressed.
• Send a student to the Medical Centre if there is a suspicion that the student is intoxicated in any way.
• Provide the student with Counselling support.
• Place the student on classroom detention.
• Remove any privileges that the student might enjoy e.g. the use of the Sports Centre.
• Whenever a student shows a consistent or serious behaviour problem, the parents shall be notified and consulted at all stages, in an effort to work together towards a solution of the problem.
• Suspend a student for up to five days.
• Inform the police and request that they investigate the incident and bring criminal charges if the student is found guilty of stealing, drug taking and/or selling, or physical abuse.
• Place a student on social probation or on a good behaviour support plan.
• Have the student spoken to by the Divisional Principal (and in the case of boarding, the Houseparents) or Head of School or designee and inform the parents.
• Ask parents to remove the student from the school.
The responses taken will be determined by:
• the seriousness of the offence
• the previous conduct of the students, and
• whether or not the student is honest, forthcoming and accepts responsibility for his or her actions.
If the behaviour of a student is such that the welfare of the community is badly affected, or the good name of the school endangered, or if the student continues to misbehave even after a parental conference, it may be necessary to ask the parents to remove him/her from school.
Student Rights
However, it is also a basic entitlement of all students to receive their education free from disruption, humiliation, oppression, hearsay and abuse of any form. Should a student feel it necessary to report that he/she is unable to enjoy the experience of the education offered at ACS Cobham he/she should follow the following report procedures:
• report the incident or issue to a member of staff and/or parents
• the member of staff and/or parents feel it necessary to take further action and report to the Divisional Principal who will make appropriate notes and investigate further if necessary
• an individualised action plan is established
Suspension and Expulsion
Suspension is a disciplinary action taken by the Divisional Principal or Head of School to remove a student from the school on a temporary basis. Each suspension has a limit of one week.
Expulsion may be ordered only by the Head of School with the Managing Director’s approval. Suspension or expulsion may result from any action prejudicial to the safety of any members of the student body and staff of the school, or from a persistent refusal on the part of the student to fulfil her/her academic and behaviour obligation at the school, or to receive sufficient benefit from the school programme.
Prior to any suspension the Principal or designee shall:
• Advise the student in question of the particular misconduct and the basis for accusation.
• Provide the student an opportunity to explain his/her version of the situation.
• Immediately remove from the school premises without benefit of the above procedures any student whose continued presence in the school poses a danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process.
A non-exhaustive list of the sorts of behaviour that could cause suspension or expulsion includes:
- Physical assault against students or adults
- Verbal abuse/threatening behaviour against students or adults
- Any form of Bullying or Harassment, including CyberBullying
- Racial abuse
- Sexual misconduct
- Drug and alcohol possession and/or use
- Damage to property
- Theft
- Persistent disruptive behaviour
- Persistent disrespectful or disruptive parental behaviour which is aimed at ACS staff or displayed at school events
- Persistent plagiarism
- Smoking or Vaping
The School’s expulsion policy covers behaviour during school time, outside of school time, as well as both on and off school premises, e.g. on buses or school trips or field trips. A student’s behaviour outside of school can be just as damaging to the school and the student, as behaviour at the school.
The School reserves the right to expel any student whose behaviour or attitude has a negative influence on other students, who fails to meet the standards of their academic or social probation or who is in breach of those school regulations that merit expulsion, without any return of the tuition fee or debenture. Bussing fees may be refunded.